Our Chapter again hosted Law Day presentations throughout Kansas and Western Missouri during the week of May 1. This year we had more than a dozen lawyers speak to several hundred students, including speaking to 250 7th graders at Hays Middle School. We spoke to students in Belton, Kansas City (KS and MO), Independence, Topeka, Olathe, Kansas City, and in Hays, KS. Our presenters consisted of federal judges, prosecutors, public defenders, corporate attorneys, solo practitioners, and big firm lawyers. This event, which occurred throughout a week, had lawyers/judges going into middle school and high school classrooms to talk about being a lawyer and the evolution of voting rights. We are so grateful for the opportunity to connect the bench/bar to our community and make sure students feel comfortable talking about big constitutional topics that affect their lives as well as have experience speaking with those that facilitate the justice systems in their communities.