Constitution Day 2024 – Douglas County & Wichita

Here are selected pictures and videos from a Constitution Day Event at the  Douglas County Courthouse in September 2024. Three local schools participated (86 students). Students enjoyed tours of the courthouse and took turns being present for the reading. Students visited departments and services, including the local self-help center, the 911 dispatch center, court security, and they heard from the Chief judge about the role of the courts, and the District Attorney, and Chief Public Defender spoke about their offices and roles. Students capped off their trips with FBA gavel pencils, pocket Constitutions donated by the District of Kansas, and Constitution Day-themed frosted sugar cookies.

There was beautiful weather for our event in Wichita!  There were 40-50 kids from The Independent School and another 30 or so from Jefferson Elementary School.

We had 100% participation from the judges in our courthouse: Chief Judge Eric Melgren read the Preamble; Judge John Broomes read multiple sections; Judge Gwynne Birzer read multiple sections (including covering for me once); and Judge Brooks Severson read as well.

We had staff members from Mayor Wu’s office and Sen. Marshall’s office.  We had lots of other attorneys, parents and other participants.  All in all it was well-attended and a great event.