fri14apr12:45 pmfri4:00 pmHearsay and Courtroom Technology CLEWith Reception to Follow12:45 pm - 4:00 pm(GMT-05:00) 444 SE Quincy St # 490, Topeka, KS 66683Event Type :CLE, Class, Training or WorkshopEvent Type 2:Business & Professional

Event Details

On April 14th, your FBA Chapter will be hosing a CLE on Hearsay and Courtroom Technology, with a reception to follow.  

What: Two hours of CLE credit on Hearsay Issues and Courtroom Technology

When: April 14th, 2023

  • 12:45PM Registration Opens
  • 1:00PM Welcome by Judge Crouse
  • 1:10PM Hearsay CLE with Rich Federico, Skip Jacobs, and Sara Walton
  • 2:10PM Effective Evidence Presentation using courtroom technology with Shazzie Naseem
  • 3:00PM-4:00PM Reception

Where: Frank Carlson Federal Building, Topeka, KS

Cost: Admission is free for local FBA Chapter Members, and $100 for non-members.


April 14, 2023 12:45 pm - 4:00 pm(GMT-05:00)


Topeka Federal Building

444 SE Quincy St # 490, Topeka, KS 66683